11 Important Qualities That Every Good Web Designer Possesses

Choosing an Expert Web Designer

A company website is one of the most important tools that businesses can use to promote their products and services or even make sales. Even if your website is not meant for business purposes, it’s important for it to be easy and engaging for your online visitors to use. Choosing the right web designer is a major investment for your business. These qualities will help you make the right choice:

Niche Industry Experience

A good web designer should have experience designing websites for clients in the industry you’re dealing with. This is an assurance that the web designer is familiar with your type of industry and will help you get the best website for your business. Even though the experience will vary from one web designer to another, even one who has handled one project with a company like yours, then they have a hint of what your business entails. While web designers who do not have an understanding of your industry can help you design your website, the planning will take longer, with lots of editing to be done during the process.

Knowledge, Techniques, and Strategies

Irrespective of the designer that you hire, it’s crucial to know about their knowledge level, their preferred techniques, and  the overall strategy they use when creating a website. If a web design expert has difficulty explaining any of these qualities, then you will definitely have a difficult time working with them. The best professionals will know what they’re doing and they will be ready to tell you what they know, how they work, and the methods they’ll  use to improve your website.

Expansive Web Design Portfolio

Hiring web designers who are just starting up is okay. Everyone has to start somewhere! However, it is also a gamble. New designers may be talented; however, they don’t have experience or a track record. Experienced professionals like Beanstalk will have a detailed portfolio to showcase their past projects. With this, you’re able to get a collection of different website links to showcase the expertise of the designer. These work samples can also help you choose a design that suits your business. You have to get along with the style of the web designer you choose and a portfolio is a great way to screen their work!

Competitive Pricing

You should consider how much a web designer charges for their website design services. This is important because the cost of designing a website varies greatly depending on a number of factors, such as location, site size, customization, etc. To find the best price, you should set a budget before you begin looking for the best designers. With a set budget, you’ll be able to narrow down on web designers that you can afford.

A Clear and Organized Web Development Process

Excellent designers have created countless websites over time. As a result, they have developed clear processes that they have constantly refined with time. They can easily see any pitfalls or mistakes and take the necessary steps to avoid them. Since they’ve handled several websites in the past, they will give you an estimate of the time they will need to finish building your website. Expectations should always be clear. A concise web development process will help you set those expectations when it comes to designing a new site.

Variety of Web Services

Apart from creating websites, most web design companies will offer additional services. Some companies will have departments that offer content creation, SEO, social media campaigns, PPC ads, and much more. All these services complement the needs of your newly created website. With a company that you can rely on whenever you need these services, you’ll never have to hire another company after your website has been created.

Good Communication

Expert website designers will take their time to explain web technologies and terminology in simple terms for clients to understand. They will not assume that you understand this complicated jargon. If a professional is unable to communicate intricate concepts and terms to you, they will not be able to communicate your company’s message. Be sure to get expert designers who are excellent communicators.

Well-Versed Web Design Technologies

Excellent web designers are proficient and knowledgeable about web designing tools and web technologies. Such professionals are active participants in seminars, online groups, forums, and webinars. This helps them to boost their knowledge and continuously upgrade their skills because they get to interact with other designers and learn from them.

Reasonable Web Design Contracts

Before a website designer starts working on your project, you will be required to sign an agreement. It is crucial that you carefully read this contract before signing on the dotted line. If you have a problem interpreting the contract terms and conditions, you can have a lawyer check it out to ensure that your interests are protected. A contract is important, especially when the website is not designed to your exact specifications.


Irrespective of the programming language that you major in, the fact is that the code is usually unpredictable. Web designers should have the flexibility to alter the scope or contexts of a project. Web designers should be able and eager to adapt and deal with problems as they arise. Different businesses or individuals will have different needs and wants when they need a website. A good designer should be able to meet the different needs of different clients with ease.

Set and Meet Deadlines

You want a designer who will tell you the time they need to create your website and make sure that they meet the set deadlines. However, the project can take a longer time than stated and this makes everyone involved in it frustrated. Good designers will inform you in advance whenever they encounter any problems. Ensure that the web design firm that you choose sets deadlines and gives a detailed account of what happens if they fail to meet them.

A good designer should offer continued services for maintaining your website. This will ensure that your site is functioning properly and is at its best while you are using it. It is important for clients to ask about website maintenance services when looking for a designer. Not every company will offer these services. With a designer by your side at all times, any issues that you experience with the website will be handled within the shortest time possible.


For all of your web design needs, contact us.