Social Media Ads & Management

Tap Into New Markets with Our St. Louis-based Social Media Management

Whether you know it or not, your customers are already on social media. By implementing social media management into your marketing plan, you can more easily reach your target audience. It’s not a secret that people follow and interact with their favorite companies and brands on social media – you should be one of them.

Social media leverages various platforms to connect with a variety of potential customers. Through professional social media management, you can strategize and target these audiences across a multitude of different channels. In turn, this can drive more qualified leads to your website. Additionally, establishing an online presence not only connects you to your customers but also enhances your credibility as a business.

Connect Your Brand’s Personality to Customers with Organic Content

When it comes to social media management, organic content plays a large part. Organic posting includes crafting, posting, and engaging in social content naturally. Organic content shows the human side of your organization to your followers, making your business feel more relatable and approachable. 

Furthermore, organic social media marketing aims to engage and catch your followers without being intrusive like paid ads. It’s about building a genuine and continual presence in your customers’ feeds without seeming too pushy.

Although maintaining a constant presence on social media may seem overwhelming and challenging, don’t worry! That’s where we come in. At Beanstalk, we offer social media management services designed to elevate your social media presence.

Drive Targeted Leads Through Paid Social Advertisements

When it comes to driving leads, paid social ads are a game-changer in the digital marketing world. These ads allow you to deliver your content directly to your target audience on the right platform, at the right time. Work smarter, not harder – target your audience on platforms that are most likely to get you qualified leads. 

The beauty of social media marketing is that it’s relatively cost-effective. With paid socials, you can target and retarget your ideal audience repeatedly while boosting brand awareness. Additionally, you can leverage geofencing (a location-based marketing tactic) and define your ideal audience based on demographics and location. Lastly, remarketing ads allow you to reconnect with individuals who have already interacted with your content, adding another touch and reaching them at the moment they’re most likely to convert.

How Strong is Your Social Media Strategy?

Are you curious about the effectiveness of your social media strategy? With Beanstalk, you can dive deep into your strategy and uncover opportunities for growth with a comprehensive social media audit. As trusted professionals in the social media management world, our audits provide an in-depth analysis of your approach on every platform. 

Ready to get started? Let’s chat today and dive into how both organic and paid social media posting can positively impact your business.