Website & SEO Audits

Is Your Website Working for You?

Find Out With Our St. Louis-based Website Audit Service.

Even the best websites have room for improvement. In order for your website to operate effectively as the center of your digital marketing efforts, you need a website that is optimized for peak performance. When utilizing a website audit service like Beanstalk has to offer, you’ll discover what about your website is working and which improvements can help you grow.

With new technology and strategies for online success emerging every day, you need a digital marketing team to stay on top of the latest online trends. Website SEO audits give you the confidence to know that your website is a valuable marketing tool for beating the competition and getting your message to your target audience.

What Is a Website Audit?

A website audit is a comprehensive analysis of a website’s performance, structure, content, design, and functionality. The purpose of an audit is to identify areas for improvement and ensure the website is optimized for user experience, search engine rankings, and overall performance.

Our website audit services take an in-depth look at your website. During this look, we uncover any issues that could be impacting its performance. With these services, you’ll get a comprehensive breakdown of all aspects of your site to identify room for SEO improvements and opportunities. 

Your website goes way beyond what users see when they visit your homepage. There are hundreds of elements both on and off-site that play a role in your website’s success. 

What We Analyze During a Website Audit:

On-Page SEO

These elements of your web pages include meta titles and descriptions, focus keywords, header tags, etc. These elements work together to optimize individual pages to rank higher organically. These components should be consistently implemented across each web page on your website to create an effortless experience for users. 

Behind-the-Scenes SEO

While these efforts don’t change anything visually on your website, they’re still important in helping you optimize your site for organic success. Behind-the-scenes SEO boosts your site’s relevance, authority, and trustworthiness. The off-site elements our SEO audit service will discover include analyzing your backlinks profile, Google Analytics, category & tag structure, and more.

Fundamental Development

Fundamental features are the building blocks of your website. They are what make your website operate smoothly. A well built, maintained, and organized website allows search engine crawlers to read your site. In turn, these crawlers can determine its organic rankings with ease. The fundamental features that we’ll inspect in your web audits include site speed, mobile friendliness, sitemaps, and more.

At the end of our audit, we categorize our findings based on their impact on your site’s performance. We prioritize these findings as either high, medium, or low. Additionally, we’ll schedule a follow-up consultation to discuss our findings. During this meeting, we’ll develop a plan to fix the issues found during the audit.

Every great digital marketing project begins with one thing; clear goals. Beanstalk’s website audit service provides you with the information you need to increase your online visibility and reach your marketing goals. Together, let’s identify areas for improvement. Get in touch with Beanstalk and let’s get started!