Keyword Research

Keyword Research: Your Marketing Blueprint

When it comes to digital marketing, understanding the language your audience speaks is the key to success. Our keyword research service delves deep into search terms, discovering which phrases and words resonate best with your target market. By analyzing real-time data and trends, we can craft a specialized strategy that aligns your content with what your audience is actively searching for on different search engines.

Get in touch with Beanstalk to gain insight, optimize your marketing campaigns, and connect with your audience like never before when utilizing our keyword research service. Our approach combines creativity and data-driven decision making to ensure your marketing efforts are seen and understood. With keyword research, your digital marketing efforts can be effective, impactful, and help drive results. 

Guided By Your Industry Knowledge

Our service kicks off with a collaborative approach centered around your industry expertise. Through in-depth discovery meetings and discussions, we explore your audience’s behavior and brainstorm potential search terms. Understanding how your audience searches is crucial as we align our keyword strategy with actual terms they use. This ensures your online content resonates effectively with your target audience, leading to meaningful engagement and conversions.

Our thorough approach involves researching a variety of keyword ideas to narrow down your most promising options. We start this process by exploring widely-used search terms and narrow down from there, uncovering hidden gems – narrower search terms that can offer a good opportunity for your company. This comprehensive process ensures that we can identify keywords that attract your audience and align closely with your business objectives.

Then we conduct a survey analysis of hundreds of keywords related to your industry. We compare each keyword we find by critical metrics:

Search Volume

An average of the number of searches conducted for a specific keyword in one month.

Keyword Difficulty

A measure of how much competition exists for a keyword and how hard it would be to increase your ranking.

Average Cost-Per-Click

For Google Ads, the expected cost-per-click of a specific keyword.

With these data metrics collected, we run your list of potential keywords through our algorithm to determine your leading keyword opportunities. Our proprietary algorithm ranks your keywords to reveal a total score. The higher the score, the better your chance of SEO and Google Ads success using that keyword. 

Keyword research services help you understand your audience’s motivations, intents, and desires. But your unique knowledge allows us to synthesize our findings and choose the keywords that best represent your target audience.

Using Keywords to Create Content Confidently

Be intentional in your digital marketing efforts. Determine which combination of digital marketing strategies is the most viable for your organization. A keyword research service can give you the data you need to tap into new opportunities. And it can help you focus on the keywords that will maximize your ROI.

Keywords are the foundations that determine the core of your website. Keyword research gives you the information you need to optimize your website effectively. Let’s create your marketing blueprint.