Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation Streamlines Your Digital Tasks

Digital marketing strategies are constantly changing. Don’t get lost trying to stay up to date with the latest trends. Streamline your marketing efforts with an approach that will keep you on the cutting edge. Email marketing automation does the legwork for you, leaving you time to do what’s essential — craft innovative campaigns that maximize your ROI. 

Marketing automation is a platform that allows you to plan, execute, track, and update all of your campaigns to convert your leads into loyal customers. A dynamic email marketing automation system increases efficiency, reduces human error, and provides the data you need to make informed decisions.  Once set up, automation software enhances many of the tasks typically performed by a marketer or salesperson, paying for itself quickly.

Move leads through your sales funnel and grow your business. Beanstalk’s automated marketing system of choice, SharpSpring, offers many tools to help you plan, automate, nurture leads, and measure results. Here’s how:


Email marketing automation starts with your unique goals. Today, it’s impossible to rely on just one strategy to grow your business. Marketing automation allows you to simplify repetitive tasks and manage all of your complex marketing efforts from a single platform.

With the ability to automate, you can plan intricate email campaigns weeks in advance. You can engage personas to organize different types of leads and clients and provide personalized, engaging content.


SharpSpring automated marketing takes care of repetitive marketing tasks so you can focus on innovation. Advanced workflow automation increases your internal marketing functions’ efficiency, allowing you to deliver the perfect content at relevant times to the right leads.

The level of automation you employ depends on your marketing goals. You can set up an email drip campaign just to keep your business top of mind for potential leads, or you can create one to upsell your products or services to current clients. You can also create triggers that prompt marketers and salespeople to perform certain tasks at specific times.


Email marketing automation works best when paired with solid inbound lead generation. If you already have a steady influx of qualified leads, an automated email drip campaign can encourage leads down your sales funnel until they are ready to buy your product or service. 

Our software even provides lead scoring automation, which places point values on specific interactions your leads make with your business. Once a lead score reaches a set threshold, it auto-assigns a task in your CRM to reach out to that prospect so that sales teams can make “warm calls” instead of “cold calls.”


Marketing automation software provides the data you need to track your marketing efforts as granularly as you desire. Since the software integrates data from your efforts across various platforms, you can easily visualize how potential customers interact with your content at multiple touchpoints to move toward a purchase. Instead of analyzing campaigns as discrete pieces of a bigger plan, marketing automation software allows you to synthesize how each of your marketing efforts work together to drive sales.

At Beanstalk, we provide the software, setup, and management services to get your SharpSpring automated marketing efforts up and running. Make tasks easier with marketing automation. Let’s chat today and talk about these marketing automations!