The Mystery of On-Page SEO Revealed

Have you ever wondered why some sites always seem to pop up on your web searches, or why your business’s page never seems to be at the top of the organic search?

The answer probably lies in your on-page SEO.

So What is On-Page SEO?

On-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enables search engines such as Google and Yahoo to ‘read’ and rate your site based on its relevance to a user’s search. The rating your site receives stems from many different factors, but the most important influential factors are: your content and keywords, your design’s responsiveness, and your use of multimedia and links.

Keywords are your Best Friend… Sometimes

One of the most confusing parts of SEO is content writing with keywords. Writing with keywords can be very frustrating because you have to find the perfect balance between making sure your keyword sticks out in your content and search engines giving you a slap on the wrist for sticking your keyword where it doesn’t belong.

Search engines reward sites with long, factual, relevant, and informative content that readers actually take the time to read. Having headings that emphasize keywords and main points increases your page’s rating, and these headings provide readers with mental breaks and pauses that make the content more attractive and digestible.

Having a Responsive Design

With the increasing popularity of smart phones and tablets, having a versatile site that responds to any type of device is almost essential. Besides being handier for customers, having an adaptable site increases your page’s SEO ranks as search engines value your responsive design.

Flashy Multimedia and Linking

Using media on your page is a great way to increase the time a user spends on your site, more time spent on a page helps boost ratings. Not only does media help you breakdown and explain more complicated ideas, it also helps make your page more visually appealing.

Info-graphics, flow charts, and videos stand out from blocks of text, and you can even include target keywords in file names to make search engines rate the importance of the image as well.

Using backlinks, outbound links, and inbound links help search engines determine what your content is about and whether or not it is relevant to a user’s search. You can increase your own web traffic by linking your own pages to other pages on your site, and users wanting to learn more about other topics can be redirected to other articles you’ve published.

On-page SEO can make or break your page’s search rank. It’s important to remember that great content, design, and media make a huge difference in attracting users!